Category Archives: Michael says…

II About writing

Originally posted as: 30. O pisaniu, 19.04.2012

Oh, people; sometimes I’m wondering what makes me so crazy about writing, creating and putting my thoughts into paper – or just into computer screen which I like less than writing on a sheet of paper – and also my fantasies born in my head. Why do I do this, why is it so great and why I’m not giving up when there is less and less people reading articles on my web page and I don’t know exactly what people think about materials which are written about my book project…?

I was creating from my youngest childhood and I think it was like with all of children. Every sheet of paper or notebook which I was given in my childhood had to be filled by my drawings presenting many stories which were formed in my head. And that’s known that children, when we talk about imagination, are completely not limited and are not stopped by rationalism so on those papers could be found litteraly everything. Maybe that’s why I do that? I can make alive everything what I see in my head, make it form into real shapes…?

Whatever – it started already then. With getting knowledge about using written language, everything from my head was put into papers as drawings and short notes about it. With time this proportion was chanhing and drawings was not main thing but just addition to a text – which was evolving all the time, because its level was so poor at the beginning of my writing – and then my first way to make my thoughts real was completely gone and there was only text left. Maybe that’s good because I’m really bad about drawings. But sometimes when I draw something by my left hand – I’m right-handed – it has some kind of cool (for me) effect

And that’s how I write for a long time, about ehatever is in my head – but with time passing I became more selective because you can’t write exactly about everything you want what, for exapmle, some politicts or journalists don’t understand. For really long time I’m working on a novel which will be trilogy – it wasn’t planned as trilogy firstly and main character firstly wasn’t that important and died quickly, not as it is for now – and also I have more book projects in my head already, I write some articles in here about everything and nothing to practice my writing skills…  And why do I do that?

So, I have already anwerd this question during writing this article. Perhaps making my own thoughts and fantasies physical, making them kind of real, is the biggest motivation for me. I excites me. Because if I only write for another people to read it I woul give up long time ago…

But I write! And I hope I will never lose my motivation and skills.